Race Tracking for races used to be clunky, expensive, and unreliable. And like chip timing, it took us several years before we decided on a solution that we know works well for races – both actual and virtual!


Enter RaceJoy Live Tracking!

These days, over 70% of participants in races carry their phone. So why not use that technology for race tracking? When we first looked at RaceJoy, it was for a little race called The Imogene Pass Run. It wasn’t a great solution back then because over 80% of the course needed to have cell service. In Southwest Colorado, that is simply not always possible.

70% of racers carry a phone.

Now, 7 years and over 1 million downloads later, RaceJoy has improved their race tracking technology so that data is captured and then sent out to a racer’s world upon re-entering cell service.

This solution is lightweight (no extra timing mats or staff!), easy to deploy (turn on the app and press “start”), and almost free!

RaceJoy: Over 7 years and
one million downloads

Most timing companies (including us), charge about $200 per timing point. Now, we can offer that to you for about $2.00 per athlete. And depending on who you use for registration and the size of your event, race tracking can be even less.